
Address:Tianliao Industrial Zone,Shipai Town,
Dongguan City,Guangdong Province,China
Company End Year Party
On January 11, 2014, Shengjia Hardware Products Co. Ltd held a year-ending party , was performed with a Chinese characteristics lion dance. A powerful dance put the party to a summit. Then the the winners of first prize, second prize, third prize, memoritive rewards and cash prize were continuously chosen, site screams constantly rising. It was really said that a lot of prizes, a lot of surprises. Also specially set up employee loyalty reward, from here we could find Shengjia's excellent staffs' professionalism and company commitment. The party was ended succesfully but so meaningful for us < Memorable Tonight>. Maybe were the audience so fun enough, but we believe that the next year, Shengjia will be better and more excellent glory, and the prizes will be richer, everyone will have more fun . Let us look forward to next year's party.

Release time:2014.02.05 Source:Comany End Year Party